It is with certainty that Paper Plates are a necessary evil at our house during the Holidays. I am aware of the damage that the contribute to the earth. Yet I still choose to use them.
Our kids and their kids
are all home for the Holidays and we would by far rather spend time together than washing more dishes than we have to.
I do have a confession to make, In the last 7 days since the arrival of the family we have gone through 210 paper plates. I don't know how. Of course there are 10 of us. and 6 of them insist on eating 3 times a day LOL. We still have 10 days left I will keep count until they depart.
Merry Christmas and I will write to you next year.
How Many Paper Plates Do You Use??????????
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
And the Door Bell Rang
I have mentioned this before. Christmas is not my Best Holiday. Its a long story that could most likely is the reason for Therapy. That be never mind. We will be celebrating just like we do every year. BUT.....................................................
This year I wanted it to be more like what the season is really about. Not expensive gifts. That produces so much stress and money spent on things. I wanted memories, simple and loving memories. I spoke with the kids and we are going to have a simple but memorable Christmas.
The Arizona K's are coming to Utah for good food, games, laughs, a trip to the movies and maybe to the Hot Springs in Idaho.
Oh and the doorbell thing. I hate doorbells. I do not like people at the door that are unexpected. Please call first so we are prepared. By being Prepared I mean being dressed, putting the dogs away, making sure the Family Room is picked up. Simply things that make me feel like I am prepared even though I was not.
Tonight the door bell rang twice within 40 min. First, our Home Teacher who we dearly love and enjoy every moment we spend with him each month. He brought a lovely gift. The dogs were out, I was folding towels all over the place and dishes sitting on the table. I am sure he did not notice. Not more than 5 min they may have even had a fender bender in the drive way. The Doorbell rings and 3 lovely ladies from the Relief Society dropped by with a fabulous basket of Christmas Goodies. Nothing had changed. Dogs, laundry. They were Sisters I have never met all new to the Ward. It was such a pleasure to meet them.
The Doorbell is really not such a bad thing. It sometimes yields blessings. Prepared or not. It is about the people not about STUFF.
This year I wanted it to be more like what the season is really about. Not expensive gifts. That produces so much stress and money spent on things. I wanted memories, simple and loving memories. I spoke with the kids and we are going to have a simple but memorable Christmas.
The Arizona K's are coming to Utah for good food, games, laughs, a trip to the movies and maybe to the Hot Springs in Idaho.
Oh and the doorbell thing. I hate doorbells. I do not like people at the door that are unexpected. Please call first so we are prepared. By being Prepared I mean being dressed, putting the dogs away, making sure the Family Room is picked up. Simply things that make me feel like I am prepared even though I was not.
Tonight the door bell rang twice within 40 min. First, our Home Teacher who we dearly love and enjoy every moment we spend with him each month. He brought a lovely gift. The dogs were out, I was folding towels all over the place and dishes sitting on the table. I am sure he did not notice. Not more than 5 min they may have even had a fender bender in the drive way. The Doorbell rings and 3 lovely ladies from the Relief Society dropped by with a fabulous basket of Christmas Goodies. Nothing had changed. Dogs, laundry. They were Sisters I have never met all new to the Ward. It was such a pleasure to meet them.
The Doorbell is really not such a bad thing. It sometimes yields blessings. Prepared or not. It is about the people not about STUFF.
Monday, December 3, 2012
It has been a very long time since I have been able to post.
The Surgery has taken a tole on me. BUT, today I have been given the go ahead to start getting back to living again. My plan is to slowly get back to a new and less painful existence. I have not sewn or done any crafting in the last 4 months. The Sewing Room is a MESS! One like I have never had before. I will be tackling that this week with the help of my sweet daughter Spring. And then it begins........................
I will always be making something..................
The Surgery has taken a tole on me. BUT, today I have been given the go ahead to start getting back to living again. My plan is to slowly get back to a new and less painful existence. I have not sewn or done any crafting in the last 4 months. The Sewing Room is a MESS! One like I have never had before. I will be tackling that this week with the help of my sweet daughter Spring. And then it begins........................
I will always be making something..................
Monday, October 8, 2012
Zombie for my Partner
I wanted to share the Zombie I sent to my partner.
This was Story Book Zombie Humpty Dumpty and he really Fell !!!!!!!
This was Story Book Zombie Humpty Dumpty and he really Fell !!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I am sicknd at the death of the Boarder Agent Nicholas Ivie. He was in one of the Highest areas of the boarder for drug trafficking. The Cartels catapult drugs over the border. Our prayers go out to this family here in southern Utah. It is so disconcerting to us because our son works in Yuma. While he is not a Boarder Agent, he too works for Home Land Security as a Special Agent. Please Pray for our Troops And for all the men and women that keep our cities, states, country, AND Boarders safe. Pray that these evil people that have no regard for life will be caught and punished for their actions.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Getting Better every day!! SLOWLY but still better.
I was at Walmart sitting on the bench in the Pharmacy while my hubby was getting a few things. Sounds boring but I don't get out much. While I was sitting there, on the bench behind me was a father and son. The son was late 40's the father 70 something. They were waiting to find out if the Dr had called the Pharmacy. The father was talking with the son regarding why they were waiting.
The father was trying to explain to the son that his medication was 200.00 and the dr was trying to find something comparable at a lesser price. All the son did was complain that it was his day off and 6 days a week 12 hours a day he was working in a store and now he was sitting in a store on his day off waiting for medicine forhis father. He repeated it 4 or 5 times the father began apologizing. I was so angry, sad, upset almost shaking that this man who had no time for this aligning and sick father. I could not just sit there. So I quelled my anger and tears. I turned around and calmly said to the elderly man, "If you need a ride home after you get your medication , my husband and I will be happy to take you home." As the son glared at me I told him "Someday you will be standing and looking at a hole in the ground and I hope you are sorry for being so selfish and dis respectful to your father". The son sat there a moment and then got up and walked away, the father took my hand and squeezed it and said Thank you for caring". Then he got up and walked away. I felt so sad I thought that I was going to burst into tears. I sat back down wishing I was not alone in a busy store.
My Husband walked up to me and I lost it. He said "Oh honey it is to soon for you to be out I should have let you stay home. I did not tell him until dinner
what had happened.
This is the Month of my Daddy's death, 19 years ago. I would do any thing to have him here, anything.
If you are Lucky and your parents are still alive, Make sure they know you love them. No matter what kind of childhood you may have had.
I was at Walmart sitting on the bench in the Pharmacy while my hubby was getting a few things. Sounds boring but I don't get out much. While I was sitting there, on the bench behind me was a father and son. The son was late 40's the father 70 something. They were waiting to find out if the Dr had called the Pharmacy. The father was talking with the son regarding why they were waiting.
The father was trying to explain to the son that his medication was 200.00 and the dr was trying to find something comparable at a lesser price. All the son did was complain that it was his day off and 6 days a week 12 hours a day he was working in a store and now he was sitting in a store on his day off waiting for medicine forhis father. He repeated it 4 or 5 times the father began apologizing. I was so angry, sad, upset almost shaking that this man who had no time for this aligning and sick father. I could not just sit there. So I quelled my anger and tears. I turned around and calmly said to the elderly man, "If you need a ride home after you get your medication , my husband and I will be happy to take you home." As the son glared at me I told him "Someday you will be standing and looking at a hole in the ground and I hope you are sorry for being so selfish and dis respectful to your father". The son sat there a moment and then got up and walked away, the father took my hand and squeezed it and said Thank you for caring". Then he got up and walked away. I felt so sad I thought that I was going to burst into tears. I sat back down wishing I was not alone in a busy store.
My Husband walked up to me and I lost it. He said "Oh honey it is to soon for you to be out I should have let you stay home. I did not tell him until dinner
what had happened.
This is the Month of my Daddy's death, 19 years ago. I would do any thing to have him here, anything.
If you are Lucky and your parents are still alive, Make sure they know you love them. No matter what kind of childhood you may have had.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Post Op
It has been sixteen days since surgery. I have found a painless moment to write a little something.
Surgery was a blast, 8 hours on the table 3 hours in recovery, I don't remember much more for the next couple days except I felt like I was laying on a shovel, rocks, twigs and a fire pit. When I was coherent the fire ants all over my back burned like hot coals. I was finally able to have them look at the incision they had used Tegederm sheets to cover my entire back, that was great however I am allergic to adhesive, It was noted on my chart, I made sure we discussed it before the surgery. That was all beside the point by now. so they changed the dressing and I was completely blistered all over my back and sides. Big long wide blisters like 2nd degree burns, I realized that my thoughts as to how my back felt was fairly accurate. They redressed it and the staff was a frenzy to find out how it happened. All I wanted was relief. They put some cream on it and redressed the wound.
I was determined to go home on Sunday, and I did. It has been so difficult. When you can't even get in and out of bed like you use to. I hate pain meds and have really tried to do without it. Its not possible as hard as I try, I get to a point that is beyond control and I have to do something. The Doc said I should be on them for two months. I am not in favor of that at all. So for now I will take it one day at a time.
Soon I will start making something..............................
Surgery was a blast, 8 hours on the table 3 hours in recovery, I don't remember much more for the next couple days except I felt like I was laying on a shovel, rocks, twigs and a fire pit. When I was coherent the fire ants all over my back burned like hot coals. I was finally able to have them look at the incision they had used Tegederm sheets to cover my entire back, that was great however I am allergic to adhesive, It was noted on my chart, I made sure we discussed it before the surgery. That was all beside the point by now. so they changed the dressing and I was completely blistered all over my back and sides. Big long wide blisters like 2nd degree burns, I realized that my thoughts as to how my back felt was fairly accurate. They redressed it and the staff was a frenzy to find out how it happened. All I wanted was relief. They put some cream on it and redressed the wound.
I was determined to go home on Sunday, and I did. It has been so difficult. When you can't even get in and out of bed like you use to. I hate pain meds and have really tried to do without it. Its not possible as hard as I try, I get to a point that is beyond control and I have to do something. The Doc said I should be on them for two months. I am not in favor of that at all. So for now I will take it one day at a time.
Soon I will start making something..............................
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Pre Op Post
Thursday is the Day, I have been waiting for this surgery for five very long tears. I am going to have a Spinal Fusion L4 ,5 and S1. I have had so much pain I don't know how I am going to feel when it is repaired. They told me a long recovery up to 2 years before I can do every thing again. As long as I have my family, computer, puppy and I can sew soon, I will be fine. I am usually the care taker and now I have to be cared for, for a short time. I will be in the hospital for 5 days then come hell or high water I am coming home! My little puppy will be lonesome without me and I will be the same. She is my constant companion, My fuzzy BFF.
So I will post again soon.
Always Making Something........
So I will post again soon.
Always Making Something........
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Out Of Rehab

Here are the new pix of the girls.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A Simple Idea
Just an idea I wanted to share with all of you.
If you are like us, we have electronics piled up on one designated counter in the kitchen. We call it the No Food Zone. If something spilled on this counter our lives would pass before us for sure. When I was at the "HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH" for me. The DI, I saw this file or mail holder. I paid 75 cents for it. I thought it would work to hold the Ipads, Kindles, and phones to charge. It would keep them up off the counter and in the event of a weapon of mass destruction spilling they would be saved. You could also store the chargers when they are not in use. All I need to do is give it a face lift or not. I would like to find an old metal one sometime that is a bit sturdier but for now this works for us.
Always Making Something............................
If you are like us, we have electronics piled up on one designated counter in the kitchen. We call it the No Food Zone. If something spilled on this counter our lives would pass before us for sure. When I was at the "HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH" for me. The DI, I saw this file or mail holder. I paid 75 cents for it. I thought it would work to hold the Ipads, Kindles, and phones to charge. It would keep them up off the counter and in the event of a weapon of mass destruction spilling they would be saved. You could also store the chargers when they are not in use. All I need to do is give it a face lift or not. I would like to find an old metal one sometime that is a bit sturdier but for now this works for us.
Always Making Something............................
Zombie Chicken???
My sister Lori stopped by the other afternoon. As she was leaving we glanced out the kitchen window at the garden. Noticing that the it was heavy laden with ripe tomatoes and overly large squash. Since Lori knew that my hubby would not be around for a few days she offered to go out and pick. I stood on the patio while she worked on the veggies. After getting all of the ripe vegetables into a basket she walked over to the Chicken Coop to have a look at the Girls.
We only counted five, Hmmm we have six. Sooo, I walked over to the coup, there she was in the box but she was just laying there with her head to one side. " I think she's dead" Lori said in a whisper. I don't know why she whispered, it was just her and I and the girls. I did not want to, but I walked into the pen and closer to the nesting box, I touched her, nothing, I shook her a bit, her head was flopping but know signs of life. I started to think hubby left at 9am he fed them it was 2pm and rigger had not set in yet. Kinda like chicken CSI, I was a bit proud of myself, WOW maybe I missed my calling. Well any way, I walked out of the pen and closed the gate. " I'll call Eddie and tell him, good thing the trash comes tomorrow". I told Lori to take all of the garden goodies home with her my counters were full so she loaded up and we waived to each other. I ran into the bathroom to heavily disinfect my hands of any dead chicken icky, yucky what ever. You get the Idea. EWWWWWW.
I called Eddie and told him the discovery. He informed me that this particular hen had been broodie for a few days and he made her come out to eat that morning, she was fine. Evidently she must have just crossed over. He said he would take care of the body when he got home. I had forgotten that it was his early day so he would be home by 4pm. Only 2 hours. I could handle that.
Eddie gets home and gets the chicken body bags out. Well WALMART BAGS, out he goes to bag up the remains. When he comes back in he is singing "How Great Thou Art" he also had the grocery bags in his hand. (I threw them away). I asked him what was going on why are you singing that song. He informed me that I Am A Child Of God really did not fit the occasion. "The chicken funeral?" I asked. "No, No funeral" he said. "Why did you bring those bags back in" I asked getting a little ticked off about the bags being back in the house. "The chicken my dear has not expired, she is Resurrected". "Really?" I said " Yes" he laughed, "really".
So she is either Resurrected or a Zombie, I don't know but she is still laying eggs..................
We only counted five, Hmmm we have six. Sooo, I walked over to the coup, there she was in the box but she was just laying there with her head to one side. " I think she's dead" Lori said in a whisper. I don't know why she whispered, it was just her and I and the girls. I did not want to, but I walked into the pen and closer to the nesting box, I touched her, nothing, I shook her a bit, her head was flopping but know signs of life. I started to think hubby left at 9am he fed them it was 2pm and rigger had not set in yet. Kinda like chicken CSI, I was a bit proud of myself, WOW maybe I missed my calling. Well any way, I walked out of the pen and closed the gate. " I'll call Eddie and tell him, good thing the trash comes tomorrow". I told Lori to take all of the garden goodies home with her my counters were full so she loaded up and we waived to each other. I ran into the bathroom to heavily disinfect my hands of any dead chicken icky, yucky what ever. You get the Idea. EWWWWWW.
I called Eddie and told him the discovery. He informed me that this particular hen had been broodie for a few days and he made her come out to eat that morning, she was fine. Evidently she must have just crossed over. He said he would take care of the body when he got home. I had forgotten that it was his early day so he would be home by 4pm. Only 2 hours. I could handle that.
Eddie gets home and gets the chicken body bags out. Well WALMART BAGS, out he goes to bag up the remains. When he comes back in he is singing "How Great Thou Art" he also had the grocery bags in his hand. (I threw them away). I asked him what was going on why are you singing that song. He informed me that I Am A Child Of God really did not fit the occasion. "The chicken funeral?" I asked. "No, No funeral" he said. "Why did you bring those bags back in" I asked getting a little ticked off about the bags being back in the house. "The chicken my dear has not expired, she is Resurrected". "Really?" I said " Yes" he laughed, "really".
So she is either Resurrected or a Zombie, I don't know but she is still laying eggs..................
Sunday, July 22, 2012
It has been a great month. Our daughter in law and 4 grandchildren were here with us for three weeks. We had so much fun and so much laundry. I would not trade one dirty towel for the best visit ever. Laney was quite the character she was so excited to see her PaPa . He was at work when they got here, so she had to wait all day before he came home. He walked in the door with his hands full and she followed him all the way to the kitchen on his heels saying "Papa you little Papa you, you little Papa" It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. When his arms were emptied she threw herself into him and there she stayed all evening. How wonderful to be so loved.
The visit however was not without incident. We hid all writing utensils, we thought. Laney has pendar she found a permanent marker. Great..... she took the liberty to re decorate the laundry room. I liked it the way I had it, but an up and coming decorator thought other wise, she felt that writing in hieroglyphics in permanent marker on the freezer,hot water tank and my brand new washer was appropriate, the dryer was left out due to the stature of the artist. In other words she could not reach it since it was stacked on top of the washer. my guess is that she loves new things. This summer the washer, last summer the new leather couch. Mr Clean eraser did a great job on the appliances and the leather man had to come to take care of the couch. It's all good!
I swear little girls are Hormonal from the day we are born. Our grand daughter is no exception. Her Highness Princess Laney Pharabee K. rules the ground YOU stand on!! Of course it is cute, NOW! just wait till she is 12. HAHAHAHAHA.
My son once said to me "I sure hope she doesn't break my heart" to which I replied " You have a few years start working on it".
Adam was sad to be alone for so long, but it did him good. He had a case he was working on and could not leave, loneliness can make a man humble.
Sarah left here with a few bags of fabric (14 total). Why have it if you can't share it Right?
Remember, Always Making Something......................................
The visit however was not without incident. We hid all writing utensils, we thought. Laney has pendar she found a permanent marker. Great..... she took the liberty to re decorate the laundry room. I liked it the way I had it, but an up and coming decorator thought other wise, she felt that writing in hieroglyphics in permanent marker on the freezer,hot water tank and my brand new washer was appropriate, the dryer was left out due to the stature of the artist. In other words she could not reach it since it was stacked on top of the washer. my guess is that she loves new things. This summer the washer, last summer the new leather couch. Mr Clean eraser did a great job on the appliances and the leather man had to come to take care of the couch. It's all good!
I swear little girls are Hormonal from the day we are born. Our grand daughter is no exception. Her Highness Princess Laney Pharabee K. rules the ground YOU stand on!! Of course it is cute, NOW! just wait till she is 12. HAHAHAHAHA.
My son once said to me "I sure hope she doesn't break my heart" to which I replied " You have a few years start working on it".
Adam was sad to be alone for so long, but it did him good. He had a case he was working on and could not leave, loneliness can make a man humble.
Sarah left here with a few bags of fabric (14 total). Why have it if you can't share it Right?
Remember, Always Making Something......................................
Friday, July 6, 2012
AND THE WINNER IS..............
I know that is a day late, my only excuse is that my grand children and daughter - inlaw are here from Yuma and we have been busy. Seems like we are always feeding someone The boys can eat a lot. That's Ok we are glad to do it.
So The Winner is...................... Connie from Crafty Home Cottage Yeah!!!
Send me your info and email address and I will send your package out. I hope you enjoy it.
Still Always Making Something............................
So The Winner is...................... Connie from Crafty Home Cottage Yeah!!!
Send me your info and email address and I will send your package out. I hope you enjoy it.
Still Always Making Something............................
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Ahhh the weekend is here. Our daughter in law and grand children have been here a week. It has been so nice we have had a lot of fun. they will be here another couple weeks. Today Sarah and Spring took them to the pool to swim and get some energy released. So Eddie and I are trying to clean up a bit.
The other evening Sarah and I stayed up until 4:00 am putting Fabric together projects. We have 30 projects ready to go. I can't wait to get to it.
My little furry friend is happy for the rest while the Grand Kids are swimming!!
Just a few days left to sign up for the 5 Yard Fabric Give Away. Come on Its really easy.
Always making something......................................................
The other evening Sarah and I stayed up until 4:00 am putting Fabric together projects. We have 30 projects ready to go. I can't wait to get to it.
My little furry friend is happy for the rest while the Grand Kids are swimming!!
Just a few days left to sign up for the 5 Yard Fabric Give Away. Come on Its really easy.
Always making something......................................................
Monday, June 25, 2012
Hey You Guys!!!!
Followers Can sign up for the Fabric Give Away too Sorry for the miss communication. Everyone can sign up so Join the fun!!
Always Making Something........................................
Always Making Something........................................
Thursday, June 21, 2012
5 yard Fabric Give Away
Hey you gals out there I need some more followers Please Help ME! If you refer more followers to me and I can reach 100 I will have the coolest Give Away. Here is what you need to do.
Refer your friends to my blog.
Let me know who you are and the blogger you referred.
For every new follower I get in the next 2 weeks You get your name entered in to the drawing. If you refer 1 or 12 you get an entry for each person that follows. The drawing is for 5 beautiful yards of 1 yard each fantastic fabric. You will Love it....... Drawing will be held July 5, 2012
Most of this is more than a yard and Vintage.
Always Making Something.......................
Refer your friends to my blog.
Let me know who you are and the blogger you referred.
For every new follower I get in the next 2 weeks You get your name entered in to the drawing. If you refer 1 or 12 you get an entry for each person that follows. The drawing is for 5 beautiful yards of 1 yard each fantastic fabric. You will Love it....... Drawing will be held July 5, 2012
Most of this is more than a yard and Vintage.
Always Making Something.......................
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Today is the first day that I have been out since my eye surgery. I still have stitches in each eye and swelling, but I feel better. Eddie is off today and he wanted to plant the front of the house garden. He loves Rose's as do I. My German Grandpa had beautiful Rose Garden's. No one could touch them except me. He always let me pick a flower or 2. Mind you I was between 3 - 5yr old.
So we went to the nursery and got some lovely roses. Roses do well here in Utah because of the heat, 2 pink Queen Anne and a Betty Boop, orange and red like tigers blood. Lavender lots of Lavender and Blue Willow Bushes. He did such a nice job. It looks so lovely. I could only watch him work in the sun but it was only 75* so it wasn't to bad.
Then we took a look at the Veggie Garden we have Squash Blossoms and tomatoes the size of my thumb we may have some for the 4th of July. That will be GREAT. Eddie has a secret mixture that he puts together for the garden. Today I found out what it was. Dry Chicken droppings and Miracle Grow mixed in the same bucket it foams. I am guessing it works. We have tomatoes.
I still can not see well enough to sew and it is trying my patients, I lay in bed and create things in my head, So annoying.
I hope I will be making something
So we went to the nursery and got some lovely roses. Roses do well here in Utah because of the heat, 2 pink Queen Anne and a Betty Boop, orange and red like tigers blood. Lavender lots of Lavender and Blue Willow Bushes. He did such a nice job. It looks so lovely. I could only watch him work in the sun but it was only 75* so it wasn't to bad.
Then we took a look at the Veggie Garden we have Squash Blossoms and tomatoes the size of my thumb we may have some for the 4th of July. That will be GREAT. Eddie has a secret mixture that he puts together for the garden. Today I found out what it was. Dry Chicken droppings and Miracle Grow mixed in the same bucket it foams. I am guessing it works. We have tomatoes.
I still can not see well enough to sew and it is trying my patients, I lay in bed and create things in my head, So annoying.
I hope I will be making something
Thumb size Romas |
Soon to be Zucchini |
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
A Princess
This is our bossy little Princess. In her Princess Thrift Store gown. She is so sweet.
Today I can see the keyboard of my laptop swelling is going down slowly.
The bruising on the other hand will be with me for a while. It is slowly moving down my face to my neck. The Dr. said its going to take 3 weeks so I am going to be home for sometime.
Today I can see the keyboard of my laptop swelling is going down slowly.
The bruising on the other hand will be with me for a while. It is slowly moving down my face to my neck. The Dr. said its going to take 3 weeks so I am going to be home for sometime.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
A little while
Well friends, it is going to be a little while before I will be posting. I am having eye surgery and it may be a few days before I can make anything so I will show you my work in progress. I will tell you a little about it first. I was at my happiest place on earth, the DI. I happened on this canvas picture. I grabbed it of course and decided to make a bag for my Laney. Then Spring saw it and she put DIBS on it. So I put it together and I still need to put straps on it. but then it is done.
Kind of cute and it wasn't hard at all. So I am going to make a few more. Sorry this was hard to get the picture. I put a seal on it to protect the canvas. Cute Yeah?
Kind of cute and it wasn't hard at all. So I am going to make a few more. Sorry this was hard to get the picture. I put a seal on it to protect the canvas. Cute Yeah?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
These 2 Aprons were nursing covers add a little bit of cute pillow cases and some imagination, Sarah has a lot of imagination and this is what you get
This is the Apron Sarah duplicated from the (apron-ology) Magazine. This picture does not do the Apron justice.
Iti s really hard to leave My Son, Daughter in law and those lovely,wonderful grand babies. We had a fantastic time! On Tuesday we were suppose to leave, but I just could not leave and have Sarah to take Laney with her on Wednesday to the Field Day at the boys school in 111*. So, we left Wednesday afternoon.
Since we there on Tuesday we went down to San Luis AZ, We met our son and his partner for lunch This was San Luis Az just 100 yards from the boarder. It is a sandy dusty dirty town. We went into a store front of a place they love to eat, they only serve roasted chicken and sides. Our son ordered in Spanish and the next thing we knew someone was chopping something in the back. It was so loud we jumped. Next thing we knew to chickens were served up in pieces piled nicely on a Styrofoam meat tray. It was the best chicken I have ever had. This little hole in the wall was sparkling clean and the owners were very nice. Laney walked all around saying chickee-chickee wah wah.
Then our son had gotten special permission to take us into the port where his office is. Just standing on the doc and looking at the fence that is so tall and divides the Countries, It was sort of an eerie feeling. So desolate and barren. It was very interesting to see the works of the port.
Here are the Aprons Sarah made while we were there
Since we there on Tuesday we went down to San Luis AZ, We met our son and his partner for lunch This was San Luis Az just 100 yards from the boarder. It is a sandy dusty dirty town. We went into a store front of a place they love to eat, they only serve roasted chicken and sides. Our son ordered in Spanish and the next thing we knew someone was chopping something in the back. It was so loud we jumped. Next thing we knew to chickens were served up in pieces piled nicely on a Styrofoam meat tray. It was the best chicken I have ever had. This little hole in the wall was sparkling clean and the owners were very nice. Laney walked all around saying chickee-chickee wah wah.
Then our son had gotten special permission to take us into the port where his office is. Just standing on the doc and looking at the fence that is so tall and divides the Countries, It was sort of an eerie feeling. So desolate and barren. It was very interesting to see the works of the port.
Here are the Aprons Sarah made while we were there
Monday, May 21, 2012
2 Blocks South Of Hell
When our son and daughter in law said "This Place is 2 blocks south of HELL" They were not kidding. This is the hottest hot I have ever felt. I guess you have an adjustment period of sorts. The stores are even HOT. The sweat just pours off of you and then evaporates immediately. I have a saying I have had for years. "THIS IS ICKY AND I DO NOT DO ICKY!! Well, apparently I do because I am here. The best part is the kids, they are great. Its a good thing that they have a 35000 sq ft house, because the kids can not play outside in 120* heat. They keep their house at 80* So after the first 2 days and a fan. We were able to deal with the heat. Hubby and son have been working on a Dune Buggy and they have been riding it in the heat by the water canals. They also go at night. it has been fun for the 2 of them. Eddie and I had a ride it was a lot of fun. We are going home on Tuesday. I am tired (what else is new?) I just need my own bed.
Our daughter in law is a great cook and such a nice hostess. Its hard to leave them
but they will be up in Utah with us in the middle of June. We will have a good time then too.
Most of what Sarah and I have done is sew. Well lets say Sarah did the sewing I was the cheering and Laney diverting section. She knocked out 4 Aprons and they were all out of reclaimed fabric. Here is the best part. Sarah duplicated one of the aprons in Apronology. It is gorgeous I will post the pictures when I get home. She is such a good seamstress. We got to spend a full three hours in the Joann's here. Such as it is. The Michael's is awful and they do not have a Hobby Lobby.
There is nothing in the stores here as soon as it hits the shelves it is gone. I went grocery shopping with Sarah late like 11pm and it was awful. Busy and messy everywhere. When we got into line she informed the cashier that she had multiple coupons and would be loading the belt accordingly. The cashier rolled her eyes and started throwing things as if to have a tantrum. Then the front end manager came along and asked if there was a problem. The Cashier answered her in her native tongue. To which the manager responded "Oh you have one of those" I was so upset at the way she was treated. When it was all said and done Sarahs total was 247.88. She only paid 72.33. So there you go. Yuma Walmart take that.
I really think that the heat gets to everyone. When it was 104 at 1 am thats crazy!!.
Remember Always Making something..................................
Our daughter in law is a great cook and such a nice hostess. Its hard to leave them
but they will be up in Utah with us in the middle of June. We will have a good time then too.
Most of what Sarah and I have done is sew. Well lets say Sarah did the sewing I was the cheering and Laney diverting section. She knocked out 4 Aprons and they were all out of reclaimed fabric. Here is the best part. Sarah duplicated one of the aprons in Apronology. It is gorgeous I will post the pictures when I get home. She is such a good seamstress. We got to spend a full three hours in the Joann's here. Such as it is. The Michael's is awful and they do not have a Hobby Lobby.
There is nothing in the stores here as soon as it hits the shelves it is gone. I went grocery shopping with Sarah late like 11pm and it was awful. Busy and messy everywhere. When we got into line she informed the cashier that she had multiple coupons and would be loading the belt accordingly. The cashier rolled her eyes and started throwing things as if to have a tantrum. Then the front end manager came along and asked if there was a problem. The Cashier answered her in her native tongue. To which the manager responded "Oh you have one of those" I was so upset at the way she was treated. When it was all said and done Sarahs total was 247.88. She only paid 72.33. So there you go. Yuma Walmart take that.
I really think that the heat gets to everyone. When it was 104 at 1 am thats crazy!!.
Remember Always Making something..................................
Monday, May 14, 2012
Off for a Vacation in Yuma
I am really sort of excited!!. Going to Yuma in a few hours to see my kids. We are driving in our new car. It had 3 miles on it when we got it a month ago. It only has 400 right now. So my hubby said we need to break in the engine. ( do you still have to do that in this day and age???? ) Anyway its only a 12 hr drive and we are going through Las Vegas and San Diago (I can't spell it because I have never been there).
I just hope the car ride is not to much for me. I am having surgery on June 1 so I wanted to see the kids before. I know we will enjoy it. We always have a great time and Laugh a lot. We think we are pretty funny. I know Sarah and I will make some things while I an there. We want to go to some flea Markets in Calif so we will see.
I will post what we are making. Because you Know----- I am always making something.
I just hope the car ride is not to much for me. I am having surgery on June 1 so I wanted to see the kids before. I know we will enjoy it. We always have a great time and Laugh a lot. We think we are pretty funny. I know Sarah and I will make some things while I an there. We want to go to some flea Markets in Calif so we will see.
I will post what we are making. Because you Know----- I am always making something.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Directions for Pineapple Upside Down Cake
In s 16 inch cast iron skillet melt 2 sticks butter or margarine, 1-1/2 cup dark brown sugar, 1can crushed pineapple 1 can pineapple rings maraschino cherries (opt) Melt the sticks of butter add brown sugar stir until melted let simmer 2-3 min add drained crushed pineapple, place pineapple rings and add cherries in center of rings. Pour Yellow or French Vanilla cake mix (make as instructed on box) bake at 350 for 35-45 min. remove from oven and flip (place cake plate on top of skillet to flip over remove skillet cake should be on plate, Sometimes this may take 2 people to flip the skillet.Just be careful it will be HOT and Heavy.
eat warm or cooled. YUMMMMMMMMMM.
Summery: 2 sticks butter or margarine
1 16 oz can crushed Pineapple drained
1 16 oz can Pineapple rings drained
1-1/2 cups dark brown Sugar
6 Maraschino cherries cut in half
1 Yellow or French Vanilla cake mix made per instructions on the box
Bake at 350 for 35-45 min
Be Sure to spray the skillet before beginning ENJOY!
eat warm or cooled. YUMMMMMMMMMM.
Summery: 2 sticks butter or margarine
1 16 oz can crushed Pineapple drained
1 16 oz can Pineapple rings drained
1-1/2 cups dark brown Sugar
6 Maraschino cherries cut in half
1 Yellow or French Vanilla cake mix made per instructions on the box
Bake at 350 for 35-45 min
Be Sure to spray the skillet before beginning ENJOY!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Pineapple Upside DownCake
I guess you can tell I feel better. I just had to share this Pineapple Upside Down Cake. My mom use to make this cake on Sunday's. I did not make this my hubby did. I can't even pick up the Cast Iron Skillet it gets made in. Doesn't it look yummy? Well it was
All ways Making Something..............................
All ways Making Something..............................
I made these in my PJ's
The Easter Garland I just used scraps,bits of ribbon,buttons and some sparkles.
The Chandelier was a work in progress for a couple of months but Friday I finished it and it looks so pretty over the table in the dinning area. I don't know if I should put shades on it or not. What do you think?? I would love your comments. I forgot to mention that the sparkles came from Ti Pan. They were after Christmas sale orniments I bought for 75% off. This whole project was a bout 40.00 including the fixture and the light bulbs!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Time Lost............................
In the past month I have been dressed maybe 4 times. We have had so much going on and happening AND I have felt horrible.
Spring was in a accident on I15, totaling her car and by the Grace Of God she walked away from it. Her Injuries are still being treated but it could have been so much worse. So now we have purchased not one but 2 new CARS. We needed one any way.
The State of Utah made some accusations concerning the adoption of the boys Spring has been working with.
Of course nothing is about it is true.
Adopting from the Foster system is a oxymoran. We have fostered in another state it was nothing like it is here. So now we have to walk away. I cant live in constant fear of what will happen next and with the finger pointing, Assuming is the worst thing any one can do. I HATE IT!!!
That's one of the reasons that I prefer Blog friends. Blog friends really don't judge you they don't assume.
So that is why I keep myself busy in my sewing room, only go places with my hubby,daughter or sister. Everyone here thinks that you business is their concern and its not. BUT I love my Blog Friends. So off to sew I go. I do have a bunch of pictures of stuff I have made I will post later.
Sorry for the Debbie Downer, just coming out of a cloudy few weeks.
Thanks for reading.
Remember: Always Making Something..............................
Spring was in a accident on I15, totaling her car and by the Grace Of God she walked away from it. Her Injuries are still being treated but it could have been so much worse. So now we have purchased not one but 2 new CARS. We needed one any way.
The State of Utah made some accusations concerning the adoption of the boys Spring has been working with.
Of course nothing is about it is true.
Adopting from the Foster system is a oxymoran. We have fostered in another state it was nothing like it is here. So now we have to walk away. I cant live in constant fear of what will happen next and with the finger pointing, Assuming is the worst thing any one can do. I HATE IT!!!
That's one of the reasons that I prefer Blog friends. Blog friends really don't judge you they don't assume.
So that is why I keep myself busy in my sewing room, only go places with my hubby,daughter or sister. Everyone here thinks that you business is their concern and its not. BUT I love my Blog Friends. So off to sew I go. I do have a bunch of pictures of stuff I have made I will post later.
Sorry for the Debbie Downer, just coming out of a cloudy few weeks.
Thanks for reading.
Remember: Always Making Something..............................
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
So We Picked Up Some Babes
Saturday we had plans to do some LONG awaited Yard Sales. We were very organized. The address sheet was arranged in order so we could maximize our time. Off we go to pick up some fun junk that belonged to a previous owner. Then it happened, I saw an add for dress forms for 5.00 each. It was an hour away but who cares. I wanted the dress forms all 3 of them. They were from a closed store and had been stored for a while,well used and abused but fantastic any way. So, we picked up Lisa (my baby sister) with a mission and a Starbucks in hand we hit I-15 south and retrieved 3 dress forms and a table top display. The bodies were stowed safely in the trunk, a side trip to IKEA and homeward bound. What a great day. Lots of laughing and cracking jokes about the girls in the trunk.
The ladies were safely in the sewing room. Later that evening we herd rumbling,squealing and sirens. We are just a block from the Fire Station.
The next morning I went into my sewing and well the rest is history.
I don't know what happened. Do you have an idea what may have happened?. I need to know before they get out of REHAB!!!!!
Your input is very important I need your help. Have a look at the Photos, Please let me know I need your comments H E L P!
The ladies were safely in the sewing room. Later that evening we herd rumbling,squealing and sirens. We are just a block from the Fire Station.
The next morning I went into my sewing and well the rest is history.
I don't know what happened. Do you have an idea what may have happened?. I need to know before they get out of REHAB!!!!!
Your input is very important I need your help. Have a look at the Photos, Please let me know I need your comments H E L P!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
In March we have sooooo many Birthdays Its easy to keep track.
We start with Laney aka The Bossie Princess she turned 3, Greyson 4, my brother I think he is 55, Rick my Brother in law 52, Aiden 9, Spring ( she asked me not to tell) And next week it will be my Dad he would have been 81. So lots of Cake. Lots of Cake. We have a break until May, June, July, August September, and then November!
We start with Laney aka The Bossie Princess she turned 3, Greyson 4, my brother I think he is 55, Rick my Brother in law 52, Aiden 9, Spring ( she asked me not to tell) And next week it will be my Dad he would have been 81. So lots of Cake. Lots of Cake. We have a break until May, June, July, August September, and then November!
Friday, March 16, 2012
My Fluffy Rock All Dressed Up ready To Go
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Chest Finished
This is the chest that matches the nightstand. Hubby had to rebuild the whole thing almost the drawers were a mess and needed new runners under the drawer s they would slide better and fit properly. Now just the Dresser to do. That will be a job it has 9 drawers. I can not wait to have it all finished.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Never Give Up
Please, Please don't give up!!!! I am having camera and internet problems. Since the wind last week we have had problems Hoping to have it fixed soon I have some cute stuff to share.
Keep on visiting
Always Making Something........................................
Keep on visiting
Always Making Something........................................
Saturday, February 25, 2012
St. Patty's Decor and Crafts
The first thing I worked on these cute and super easy Shamrock Pins. My sister wore one to work and everyone wanted one so I made a few more. They only cost about 30 cents each, and took no time at all to put together.
Next was the Table Runner. I am not totally happy with it but it does look OK on the Table.
Then I made the Shamrock Garland It was fun and I really like it. Sorry the pic is not really very good. I will try to get a better picture and post it later. The Buffet Runner and a Globe of whirling shamrocks sparkling too.
That is what I have been up to this week. I have so much stuff left over I may have to do something else with it too.
You Know the way it ends. Always Making Something...................................
Next was the Table Runner. I am not totally happy with it but it does look OK on the Table.
Then I made the Shamrock Garland It was fun and I really like it. Sorry the pic is not really very good. I will try to get a better picture and post it later. The Buffet Runner and a Globe of whirling shamrocks sparkling too.
That is what I have been up to this week. I have so much stuff left over I may have to do something else with it too.
You Know the way it ends. Always Making Something...................................
Saturday, February 18, 2012
I was out with my sister Lori last week. We were at Target, hobbling through together. (It is a sight to behold). We were looking at the greeting cards, laughing hysterically, people were staring but we didn't care, it was too much fun.
Suddenly, I saw the perfect card, I was searching my brain for the best person to give it to. Now, as every family has its dirty little secrets, ours is not any different.
So bravely I asked Lori, "Do you think #2 daughter would like to send this to her husband?"
"Does it have sparkles on it? You know THEY can't have any cards with sparkles it" ( Can you see where this is going?).
" No, no there are no sparkles or glitter or any thing shiny" I said.
" Read it to me" Lori said.
"No I think you should read it yourself" I said. So I handed it to her.
She began reading and I could not wait for her to finish. It felt like forever, and then ...............
We both burst in to the most unlady like laughter, belly laughing, someone may have snorted and there were tears too. I thought I was going to have to crawl into to the shopping cart to recover. The pain was reeling through my body from laughing so hard.
Lori was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and laughing into her purse.
I asked her what the heck she was doing she replied "I don't want anyone to see me".
So now I will tell you what the card said.
"Valentine, I will always have your back. If we were in prison I would take a shiv for you"
Now you may say why is that so funny?
Well it just so happens that my nieces husband is in Jail. Long story short he was in a fight he got stabbed and almost died. He was in the hospital for 4 weeks. Unfortunately before he passed out he hit the assailant with something metal. He had to go to the ER.
My niece's husband is a LEGAL ALIEN. He has lived in this country for 26 yr and his Green Card was in order.
Unfortunately he was charged with a felony. He is awaiting deportation back to England and can never return to this country.
The other part of this story. My son is a Federal Agent he is Office of Investigations currently working with ICE. Is this a funny story?
NO, it is very sad.
There is nothing that can be done.
My son has to go by the law and go by the law he will. He is a justice fighter. He is not even involved in this case he lives in another state. But he can not even talk with his cousin regarding the situation or even offer any advise.
Does this sound crazy? Well it is. But the Card took us some place else for a moment. The Law is the Law. And the Card was sarcastic if only for a moment.
Someday, I am going to write a Family Biography, but they will put it in FICTION because no one will believe it.
I am going to call it Mostly Functional Dysfunctionals or The Trailer Park. Any way we love them.
And I am always Making something..................
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valetines Day
The day started off good. Gave sweet hubby his Queen Ann Cherries (YUCK) and a card. Next my sister Lori stopped by and I gave her all of the goodies I had made for her. Rick (my brother on law) and Spence my nephew. Made up my daughters little Cupcake box of goodies. Still nothing from Hubby no card, no salutation. Now my feelings are starting to get a little hurt? or annoyed? I am not sure but it was ridiculous to feel like that. I always get whatever I want. I don't mean that like a nana nana boo boo thing. I mean we are at the age now that both of us can have most anything we want. Hubby said lets go have lunch. Ok lets.
out in the dash board of the car was a lovely gift bag and a beautiful card. Inside the bag the most lovely earring's. I need to be more grateful. I love my husband.
After all 39 years is a very short time to love some one. I need more time to love him. He is the best.
I have had a great time for the last month. I really had fun making the 3 Valentine garlands, table runner, Apron, pigs, and getting Hildie ready for the "Dress Form Ball" Now it is kind of like after The Prom. So now I have gone back to my list of things to make. I am going to start with Shamrocks in a few different ways. So in a couple days I will have a new projects done. Not to forget the Bedroom make over hubby sweet heart is working on.
Remember, Always Making Something.............................................
out in the dash board of the car was a lovely gift bag and a beautiful card. Inside the bag the most lovely earring's. I need to be more grateful. I love my husband.
After all 39 years is a very short time to love some one. I need more time to love him. He is the best.
I have had a great time for the last month. I really had fun making the 3 Valentine garlands, table runner, Apron, pigs, and getting Hildie ready for the "Dress Form Ball" Now it is kind of like after The Prom. So now I have gone back to my list of things to make. I am going to start with Shamrocks in a few different ways. So in a couple days I will have a new projects done. Not to forget the Bedroom make over hubby sweet heart is working on.
Remember, Always Making Something.............................................
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Polka Dot Closet Dress Form Ball
It is finally here, The Dress Form Ball at The Polka Dot Closet.
My Dress Form " Hildie" was so excited to get her invitation. She got dressed up in her own Style. She is a bit eclectic BUT she can always pull it off.
Leave a comment and let her know what you think of her outfit.
My Dress Form " Hildie" was so excited to get her invitation. She got dressed up in her own Style. She is a bit eclectic BUT she can always pull it off.
Leave a comment and let her know what you think of her outfit.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Valentine Table Runner
I made this Table Runner with a bunch of scrap fabric. I stayed up all night Friday not because I was pressured to get this finished, but I was having so much fun making it. It is for a gift for someone so I hope it will bring her as much JOY as I got making it.
If any of you have heard about the Horrific Tragedy that the very cowardly Josh Powell killing his children and himself. Please pray for the Cox Family who have now lost not only their daughter and still do not know what ever happened to Susan Cox Powell. The selfishness of Josh Powell killing the 2 boys 7,5 on a supposed supervised visit with their father. He used an AX to hit them in the head and neck and then poured 10gal of gasoline to blow up the house. He was the only person of interest in the disappearance in the mother of the boys Susan Cox Powell. To read the story go to
With A Heavy Heart: Always Making Something.................................
If any of you have heard about the Horrific Tragedy that the very cowardly Josh Powell killing his children and himself. Please pray for the Cox Family who have now lost not only their daughter and still do not know what ever happened to Susan Cox Powell. The selfishness of Josh Powell killing the 2 boys 7,5 on a supposed supervised visit with their father. He used an AX to hit them in the head and neck and then poured 10gal of gasoline to blow up the house. He was the only person of interest in the disappearance in the mother of the boys Susan Cox Powell. To read the story go to
With A Heavy Heart: Always Making Something.................................
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